“Angel” by Sarah McLachlan

27689035673_430df3e8bbDeath and loss are inevitable in life. Despite many of us dreading it, one day, we must face the music, along with our loved ones.

Each of us has different ways of dealing with death and dying. Some choose to spend some time on their own while others prefer celebrating the deceased’s life through more cheerful means. Many make sense of what they are going through by seeking songs.

One of the most touching songs about loss is “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan. It’s reportedly inspired by Jonathan Melvoin’s death caused by a heroine overdose. Each of us has our own interpretation of the song. Below, we try to understand the meaning behind the song, “Angel” and how it can all help us cope with loss.


Spend all your time waiting

For that second chance

For a break that would make it okay

The above verses tell us about the daily struggles of life, whichever way you prefer to pursue it. Whether it’s to achieve a personal of professional goal, we all go through life hoping that our dreams will come true. This is particularly true when we find ourselves stuck in a seemingly-unending cycle. We begin to feel empty and lost.


There’s always some reason

To feel not good enough

And it’s hard, at the end of the day

I need some distraction

Oh, beautiful release

All of us cope with the hardships we encounter differently. Some may take it positively, others may not. When the going gets tough, we seek out ways to make ourselves feel better; to reassure ourselves that whatever it is we are doing, it’s worth the trouble and effort. Those we know or when we ourselves begin to resort to coping mechanisms that are harmful, it’s this feeling of helplessness. We begin to tell ourselves that this will make it all right.

Memories seep from my veins

And maybe empty

Oh, and weightless, and maybe

I’ll find some peace tonight

These verses tell us that we are caught with the futility of it all, we try to get back to those days when we felt better. We reminisce about those times that were easier, simpler and more rewarding. We draw our strength from those better days and hope that somehow, it will make us feel better right now.

In the arms of the angel

Fly away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

You’re in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here

McLachlan may have written this song for someone who died of an overdose. However, it can be understood in numerous ways. Those who die, no matter how they pass away, are carried by angels and anchored to a much more peaceful place.

When we recall our loved ones who died troubled, we all wish that they end up somewhere they will be happier, healthier and better. Even us personally, we all wish that we could be in a resting place filled with nothing but comfort and satisfaction.

In this uncertainty and fear of not knowing how or when we will depart from this world, we have this hope that wherever it is, it will free us from the pain we feel.

So tired of the straight line

And everywhere you turn

There’s vultures and thieves at your back

The storm keeps on twisting

Keep on building the lies

That you make up for all that you lack

Whatever life we’re living, it’s not always easy life to live. No matter how rich, successful or complete we may feel, there are still times when everything else just brings us down. Be it another person, an event or any situation, there will always be a reason for us to not feel okay.

It don’t make no difference

Escape one last time

It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness

Oh, this glorious sadness

That brings me to my knees

Sadly, some people find that a disillusioned reality is their only means to escape the despair they may be feeling. We all feel that sometimes; that we can just choose to escape from it all, believe in what we want to believe and do what we desire no matter how harmful our coping could be. Sometimes, our loved ones who have passed on from this world have succumbed to it all.

We all simply hope and pray that whatever happens, we all end up in a place free of pain and trouble. Finally, we have somewhere we and our loved ones could be truly, forever happy.

In the arms of the angel

Fly away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

You’re in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here

You’re in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here