Serving Mississauga, the Greater Toronto Area, and Cambridge/Waterloo Area for over 25 years, Tranquility Funeral Services provides you with a low cost, all inclusive alternative to traditional funeral homes and services. No matter how traditional or unique your funeral needs may be, we at Tranquility have the resources and facility to make it happen. For additional detailed information for our Mississauga Location – Download Pricing Here. For additional detailed information for our Cambridge Location – Download Pricing Here
Please note:
If the final means of disposition is cremation, a cremation fee of $650 (no tax) St. John’s Dixie Crematorium, will be additional. As well a Coroners fee of $75 is additional.
If burial is the final means of disposition, a grave will have to be purchased if not already owned.
Memorial Service
- Co-ordinating activities, rites, ceremonies: $500
- Documentation, permits, forms: $350
- Transport remains (Initial 75km): $150
- Basic preparation of remains: $200
- Staff services for ceremony: $600
- Transport of remains to cemetery/ Crematorium: $125
- Cremation Container: $150
- HST: $269.75
- Chapel rental (1 hour in the Sandalwood Chapel, seats 40): $300
- Death Registration Fee: $36.77
- BAO Consumer Protection Fee: $30
TOTAL: $2,711.52
Funeral Service
- Tranquility’s service fee: $2,500
- Dominion Rental Casket (Cremation Only)
(Victoriaville – Model: WL2200-0007): $1,150 - HST: $474.50
- Death registration fee: $36.77
- Chapel rental (1 hour in the Sandalwood Chapel, seats 40): $300
- BAO Consumer Protection Fee: $30
TOTAL: $4,461.27
Funeral Service
- Tranquility’s service fee: $2,500
- Dominion Rental Casket (Cremation only)
(Victoriaville– Model: 220-0007): $1,150 - HST: $474.50
- Death registration fee: $36.77
- Chapel rental (2 hours in the Magnolia Chapel, seats 300): $600
- BAO Consumer Protection Fee: $30
TOTAL: $4,791.27
Funeral Service
- Tranquility’s service fee: $2,800
- Dominion Rental Casket (Cremation only)
(Victoriaville– Model: 220-0007): $1,150 - HST: $513.50
- Death registration fee: $36.77
- Chapel rental (2 hours in the Magnolia Chapel , seats 300, 1 hour visitation the next day with a 1 hour service to follow): $1,200
- BAO Consumer Protection Fee: $30
TOTAL: $5,730.27