Setting up donations through a memorial account

Donation in lieu of FlowersFlowers sent to the funeral homes have always been the most commonly accepted way of expressing sympathy and condolences to the bereaved family members.  But if you are well aware of a friend or a relative’s financial situation, you can set up donations on behalf of the grieving family.  In this way, you can help the grieving family get through the financial strife caused by the loss of a family member.

One of the best ways to do this would be through setting up an online memorial account.

Memorial accounts present an easy way for grieving friends and relatives to extend their financial help to the immediate family of the deceased.  With only a few clicks of a button, they can send their donations through payment companies such as PayPal and WePay, or directly to a bank account.

It also allows relatives and friends who cannot pay their last respects personally as they are out of town or are in another country express their condolences and even make donations to help out the family.

And lastly, it allows you and the immediate family to thanks the donors easily through a personal email.

So how do you setup a memorial account?

The first option would be to create a personalized memorial website.  There are many web hosting services which allow you to create your own website for free, such as Blogspot and WordPress.

The second option would be making use of online services such as GoFundMe or other general donation requests sites.  These services allow you to easily create a memorial website with only a few clicks of a mouse.  They can even easily setup the donation options for you.

But it is important that you have already set up a clean bank account and PayPal or WePay account used solely for that purpose.

Once you have setup your memorial website, feel free to spread the word.  You can create a Facebook group with links to the memorial website, or have the link to the memorial website published in the obituary.

Don’t forget to thank the generous donors who have extended monetary assistance through the memorial account you have created.  And if the immediate family wishes to express their gratitude to the donors, give them a spreadsheet of the donors so they’ll know who to thank.

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