Eulogy for a Dear Friend

Eulogy for a Dear FriendLosing a friend can definitely be heartbreaking especially if that buddy is so close to you. It is even harder to talk about that friend in front of everyone when all the memories of his presence are still fresh in your mind.

Logically speaking, writing a eulogy for a friend is easy but when you are in that situation where you are still emotional and grieving about what happened, it will be very difficult.

How to write eulogy should not only the only thing to be learned for a friend but you also need to know how to translate those emotions into your speech.

This post will talk about tips on how you can have a great eulogy for your dear colleague during the memorial service.

  • When you are assigned to write a eulogy for your friend and read it in front of everybody, you need to convey to the people how great of a friend the deceased person was.

  • The aim of your speech is to show to everyone that you have lost such a big part of your life in a form of a friend.

  • You need to let them feel the caring that you have felt from your friend by telling the people stories and experiences that you have had.

  • You can try to consolidate all of your ideas by writing random thoughts in a piece of paper.

  • Do not think about grammar and punctuation. Just write what it is that you feel about your friend and the loss that you are going through.

  • This step will help you find a common ground between grief and peacefulness because you realize that death may have alleviated any type of suffering that your friend was going through.

  • Try to make a draft based on the random writings that you have written.

  • This is the time when you need to edit your thoughts. You can add great experiences that you and your friend have shared together.

  • Start or end your eulogy with funeral quotes or any quotations that were uttered by the deceased person. You can talk about what your friend’s philosophies are and how they helped your friend to succeed.