Ave Maria – Perry Como

Ave Maria – Perry Como

Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena

Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum

Benedicta tu in mulierbus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tue, Jesus
Ave Maria

Ave Maria
Mater Dei)

Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora, ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
In hora mortis nostres
In hora mortis nostres
In hora mortis nostres
Ave Maria


Ave Maria may not be one of the most common funeral songs these days, but it is considered to be one of the most preferable coup-de-grace tunes dedicated for the beloved who passed away.  This song has had a lot of voice renditions, with Perry Como as among the most well-known. This masterpiece was composed by a renowned musical genius named Franz Schubert in 1825 as part of his Opus 52.

The main reason why Ave Maria is commonly preferred as an elegy is because of its melody. Like funeral flowers, the song is very delicate and relaxing which can help lighten the burden of mourners when coming into terms with their loved one’s death. Its harmony induces serenity for everyone attending the funeral service. At the very least, it allows mourners to weep more gracefully. The song Ave Maria does not communicate a subtle message of regret and sadness. In fact, it tries to convey the message of “letting go” and allowing the living to remember their deceased loved ones on a more positive and transcendental disposition. Ave Maria is one of the best classical songs that attempt to touch the realm of mysticism and all its strange wonders.