Spot a Burial Plot Scam
The funeral services industry can be a breeding ground for scams if you are not careful. Unscrupulous groups can prey on families who have just lost a loved one because they are grieving and thus, prone to making unwise decisions. One area where con artists thrive is the selling of burial plots. Both funeral homes and private families are targeted by them. Their usual method is by email, but you will know that something rotten is going on when these supposed sellers are not officially registered or licensed. They also tend to be careless with their grammar and punctuation which should be good clues of their lack of professionalism. These emails are also unsolicited most of the time.
When you have just recently lost someone in the family, however, it may be more difficult to catch them. You could just receive an innocent and sympathetic phone call that will first condole you over your loss, but will soon become a spiel for “limited-time only” offers to purchase burial plots at discounted prices. The sense of urgency, coupled with the offer that can be too good to be true, should be your red flags. At the very least, ask for references and verify these with your funeral director or local cemetery registry.