
What are Common Funeral Mistakes to Avoid?

Planning the memorial service or funeral of a loved one is never an easy task. It is not easy to be pragmatic in the midst of emotional turmoil and grief. And, while it is a hard task that can be difficult to take in stride alongside pain management, funeral planning must be done. 

Even if you want to dilly-dally, procrastination is not an option in this matter. Whether it’s your first time or succeeding time making funeral preparations, it can be a bit tricky to find your way through it all. So, to give you a sense of guidance, here are some funeral mistakes that you should avoid making. Read more

How Can I Personalize My Loved One’s Funeral?

After a loved one dies, funeral planning may feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time doing it. It’s understandable if you feel lost and confused because you could also be in mourning. Even professional event planners may find it hard to know where to start if they have to plan for the memorial services of a loved one. If you’re in this situation, fret not because there are many thoughtful ways to celebrate the life of a departed loved one.  Read more

What is Advanced Funeral Planning?

Many people usually shy away from discussing the topic of death. Nevertheless, many people agree that planning a funeral can minimize the burdens on the bereaved family. When you make preneed decisions concerning funeral arrangements, it would provide the people you love with peace of mind. Details are chosen ahead of time and possibly funded, so the deceased wishes will be honored.  Read more

How Do I Plan a Festive Funeral?

Many people wish not to have a dramatic funeral when they die. Some terminally ill individuals request a festive funeral where no one wears black, they play the deceased’s favorite songs, yummy food is served, and guests talk about the good times. A celebration of life rather than a solemn funeral service is a popular sentiment these days.  Read more

What Should I Wear to a Funeral?

Do you have to attend someone’s funeral but you don’t know what to wear? Attending funeral services doesn’t have to be complicated. And although it’s a serious and solemn occasion, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fashion for functionality. You can blend both and still attend a funeral bearing an air of dignity and respect. After all, what you wear exemplifies your regard for the deceased whom you’re honoring for the last time. If you are unsure of what to wear, this article is for you.  Read more

How To Write a Meaningful Obituary That People Will Read From Start to Finish?

Writing an obituary for a loved one can feel overwhelming. An obituary is akin to a eulogy, with the difference is the former is printed in newspapers or posted online while the latter is often spoken at funerals. They both pay homage to the deceased to honor the life that once was and to say a poignant goodbye. 

If you’re tasked to write the obituary, it can be difficult to find the right words. It’s daunting to assess what important details you want to include while you are mourning and dealing with grief. Besides, how can you fully encapsulate the person’s whole life and do justice to their legacy in just a few short paragraphs?  Read more

What is a Wake and Wake Etiquette for Guests?

When someone moves on from this ephemeral world, it’s common for families to host a wake. In general, a wake is referred to as a memorial event or social gathering which is held before a funeral with the body present. 

In the olden tradition, a wake is usually held at the deceased person’s home. The body receives preservation treatments while the funeral services team sets up the place for viewing. But in these modern times, more and more families choose to hold the wake at a funeral home or an alternative location like a church. Read more

Why Are Funerals Important

When a loved one passes away, it has been a tradition to host a funeral. A funeral service is not merely for the dead but it encompasses everything about them and who they are. It is also a form of closure for everyone who knew the deceased and shared a relationship with them, no matter how brief.  Read more

Why is it important to have an estate lawyer and how to find a good one?

Now that 2022 is here, it is the perfect time to evaluate your goals and plans for the future. Allow positive new year vibes to inspire you to take stock of your life. After all, putting your affairs in order accords the most peace of mind. If you have a family who relies on you, you may be thinking of preparing your will to discuss the possible distribution of assets, along with your preferred funeral services so they have nothing to worry about.   Read more

How to pen a memorable epitaph?

Are you in charge of planning a funeral for a loved one? You will certainly have many things on your to-do list, and one of them is the epitaph. This is the inscription on the headstone or grave marker that honors the memory of the departed. The use of these epitaphs can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Greek, and Roman Empires circa the 1700s.  Read more