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How to Plan a Meaningful Zoom Funeral?

Under normal conditions, planning a funeral is already a big responsibility that entails a lot of work. But what if you have to plan a virtual funeral for whatever reason like illness or military service? Of course, you want as many loved ones to be there and commemorate the deceased, even if only in spirit. […]

How to Tell Your Kids Their Grandparent Died?

You may find it difficult to break the news to your children when one of your parents dies. The death of a grandparent is heartbreaking, to say the least, especially if Nana or Popo frequently babysits the kids. Your first instinct may be to sugarcoat your words to shield the kids from the pain of […]

Should Children Be Included in the Funeral?

As much as possible, parents want to shield their children from the harsh realities of life. Thus, when someone close to the family dies, you may be faced with the difficult decision of whether to let your children participate or miss out on the funeral and memorial services. 

How to Reconfigure Your Life After the Loss of a Loved One

When a loved one dies, it results in many different changes for the surviving family members. These changes can range from simple ones like taking on more household chores to more drastic changes such as modifying future plans or even modifying priorities. Getting used to these changes may take many months because getting out of […]

Am I Allowed to Use My Cellphone at a Funeral?

We are all familiar with this awkward moment. Just imagine someone’s mobile phone ringing loudly and incessantly during a serious and solemn moment. As the person scrambles to mute the phone, you also feel that strong urge to double-check if your own gadget is on silent mode. In most scenarios, a random phone call or […]

Why is a Will Important for Pre-Planning?

When people die, their family is responsible for settling the estate. If you have certain wishes you want to be upheld upon your demise, it is vital to execute a will. However, most people push off writing a will because it’s as if you’re courting death, and accepting your departure in this ephemeral world is […]

What is a Mausoleum?

When you’re doing funeral pre-planning, one of the things you have to consider is your end-of-life arrangements. It can be confusing because there are many choices for your final resting place. The most traditional are burial plots with gravestones. Alternatively, there’s also a more ornate mausoleum. Though these are not as popular, this is an […]