5 people that you may not realize are involved in planning a successful funeral service

When it comes to funerals, there are a few key individuals that we all expect to be there. You’ve got the funeral director at the helm and the officiant who will give the final words. However, we must not forget to thank other individuals who work hard to make sure the funeral services are smooth. 

If you are funeral planning, don’t forget to keep them in mind when extending appreciation or sending out thank you notes. Here are five other individuals that you may not have realized are involved in planning a touching and successful service commemorating your departed loved one: 

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How to Utilize Social Media Responsibly After a Death in the Family

We live in a digital world with over 5 billion people owning a mobile device. Within this gadget, you will find at least two social media apps everyone uses to connect with others. Of course, staying on social media has become a new way of life where we have fun and learn what’s happening worldwide. Read more

How End of Life Insurance Can Help Your Family When You Pass On

One thing that is never guaranteed to any person is time. We live day-to-day with no knowledge of the future and possible outcomes. Because time is so hard to control, we can never be certain about the things that will occur even a minute from now. Even if you live a healthy lifestyle, you could run into an accident in a split second. Unfortunately, your family suffers when your life suddenly runs its full course abruptly. Read more

How Do You Say Goodbye to Someone Who is Dying

Goodbyes are always difficult. Period. Saying goodbye to a person you love under normal circumstances is already rough. After all, no one wants to be separated from a person they hold dear. However, saying goodbye to someone who is dying from a terminal illness or a person who is suddenly in palliative care because of an accident or stroke makes goodbyes even more heartbreaking. How do you say goodbye when you know you will be planning a funeral soon? When you know that this goodbye will be final and forever, what words can you say? If you need help, consider the following suggestions to help you and your beloved find peace while there’s still time left. Read more

How do you talk at a funeral without crying?

If you have to speak in the funeral services, you may feel nervous about addressing everyone. After all, this is a very trying period filled with dark emotions. First and foremost, you must remember that giving a eulogy or a speech that gives tribute to the deceased’s life is an honor. It is a task that is given to close family and friends.

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What should you not put in a eulogy?

rose-pink-colors-3202080_640If you’ve been tasked to deliver a eulogy in the funeral services, you are most likely close to the one who passed away. As such, your goal is to deliver the best eulogy speech to pay tribute to your deceased loved one. It is perfectly normal to worry about how to write a eulogy because you don’t want to make mistakes. Since funerals are fraught with dark emotion, you don’t want your words to result in more sadness, hurt feelings, resentment, or even anger. As such, it is vital to do some careful preparation when you’re writing your eulogy.

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How Long Should a Eulogy Be?

rose-pink-colors-3202080_640One of the most difficult speeches you will ever have to make in your life is called a eulogy. This is your last tribute to a deceased love one. The term eulogy has roots from the Greek word “εὐλογία,” which is defined as praise. It is comprised of words to honor your loved ones who passed away. It is usually delivered during the funeral or memorial services. Read more

How Do You Start a Eulogy

person reading a bookIf you were tasked to give a eulogy during the memorial or funeral services, you are given this honor because you have a close relationship with the deceased. A eulogy is a speech that you say about your beloved who passed away. A few people find this painful to do, especially if it is a sudden death or the one who died is still too young. When a direct family member finds it difficult to control their emotions, you may be tasked to deliver a eulogy on their behalf. Read more

How to Diffuse Tense Situations in Funerals

A funeral is already an emotionally tough situation right from the start. This scenario is totally understandable because it is very painful to lose a loved one. Most people believe that memorial and funeral services are solemn affairs with people shedding a tear or two. However, many funeral directors digress and share that gut-wrenching cries, bloody screams, and even fights have erupted in front of the coffin with people throwing vases of funeral flowers at each other. These dastardly deeds push the intensity level from tense to almost toxic.  Read more

Cheap Casket Alternatives that Will Not Decimate Your Wallet

There is no need to dig deep into your pockets for a casket when you are planning a funeral. Yes, a casket is indeed one of the most pricey ticket items you will purchase for your dearly departed loved one. It is also the most challenging item to shop for because you get this sense of finality that your loved one is truly gone. Read more