How Far is Heaven by Kitty Well

cloud skyHow far is heaven?
Let’s go tonight, I want my daddy to hold me tight.

A little girl was waiting for her daddy one day
It was time to meet him, when she heard her mommy say
Come to mommy darling, please do not cry
Daddy’s gone to heaven, way up in the sky Read more

How Does Grief Affect a Child

Just like adults, children react to death in various ways. This could be influenced by a myriad of factors such as their age, gender, relationship with the one who died, family circumstances, personality, development stage, amount of support given to them, earlier experiences, and how the others around them are grieving. 

Always remember that grief is a natural response to a loss, and losing the person you love is complicated. It is even harder for kids who don’t have the emotional maturity, depth of experience, and ingrained wisdom to handle such trying times. Grief has no time table, so you must always be ready to reassure your children and give them comfort.  Read more

Things To Include In Your Condolence Card

It is a common practice to send a condolence card with funeral flowers during memorial services or even after the proceedings are over. Usually, people just buy a nice card and put in the standard words like: “You have my deepest sympathies,” “I am sorry for your loss,” or “Our deepest condolences.” All are comforting words that show care and support. Read more

How to Diffuse Tense Situations in Funerals

A funeral is already an emotionally tough situation right from the start. This scenario is totally understandable because it is very painful to lose a loved one. Most people believe that memorial and funeral services are solemn affairs with people shedding a tear or two. However, many funeral directors digress and share that gut-wrenching cries, bloody screams, and even fights have erupted in front of the coffin with people throwing vases of funeral flowers at each other. These dastardly deeds push the intensity level from tense to almost toxic.  Read more

Cheap Casket Alternatives that Will Not Decimate Your Wallet

There is no need to dig deep into your pockets for a casket when you are planning a funeral. Yes, a casket is indeed one of the most pricey ticket items you will purchase for your dearly departed loved one. It is also the most challenging item to shop for because you get this sense of finality that your loved one is truly gone. Read more

What Should You Not Do at a Funeral? Top 10 Don’ts

It is important to remember proper funeral etiquette because good manners make a world of difference to someone who is grieving. Unfortunately, funeral directors share that there are instances where fights have erupted in front of the casket while toppling over the funeral flowers. Please do your best to refrain from disorderly conduct because a funeral is already a difficult time for the bereaved family members. Read more

How Do I Prepare For a Funeral?

This question is a tough subject that most of us do not want to think about at all. No one wants to take the initiative to discuss his or her own death, and it is also painful to think about planning the funeral of a loved one. Most who do make advance arrangements are usually people who are grappling with long-term illness.

Ask anyone who has faced an untimely death of a loved one, and this person will tell you that preparing for a funeral is stressful, especially since you will have to make some very tough decisions amidst your grief. Funeral planning is a huge responsibility that you want to carry out properly because it is your last send-off and final goodbye for your dearly departed loved one. Read more

Swing low sweet chariot ~ English Rugby Anthem

Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home;
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
I looked over Jordan,
And what did I see,
Comin’ for to carry me home,
A band of angels comin’ after me,
Comin’ for to carry me home.

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Up Where We Belong

Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it’s real, I keep it alive

The road is long
There are mountains in our way
But we climb a step every day Read more

Why are Caskets so Expensive?

When your loved one passes away, whether it is because of a long-term disease or a sudden unexpected illness, the last thing on your mind will be what casket to choose as the final vessel for your dearly departed’s remains. You will naturally be consumed with grief with your mind going blank and your emotions going on overdrive. Read more