What Victorians can teach us about death and mourning


In this day and age, where the idea of death is often downplayed, discussions about funeral planning and preparation for one’s own mortality are often frowned upon.  But more than a century ago, death was not only acknowledged.  It was, in fact, celebrated with as much pomp and grandeur as one’s wedding by the Victorians.  Read more

Heaven Couldn’t Wait For You? (Heaven by Beyonce)

heaven by beyonceLosing someone so young is one of the most tragic events that a person can experience especially if the deceased is someone really close to the heart. A mixture of different indescribable feelings arise which, all in all, is difficult to process. The bereaved would be left thinking about the different memories that they could have made and the different things that they should have said and done. Read more

The Band Perry’s If I Die Young

If I Die YoungDying young is not what individuals would imagine to happen to their lives or even to other people’s lives. As much as possible, we would all want to live our lives fully as much as possible. This would mean having to experience every milestone that needs to be experienced in life such as the first walk and talk, the first day of school, graduation, prom, the first day of college, and many more. These are just some of the wonderful milestones that each person should be able to experience. However, there are those unfortunate events that happen in life that we often could not control. This is why the saying “You only live once,” is a fact. We all have one lifespan to live and we should all make it count. Read more

A Funeral To Remember

funeral themeWe all want to celebrate our loved ones passing in a unique way; a way wherein guests would remember and leave with a warm heart. Losing someone we love dearly through death is one traumatic experience and letting go of that loss is very difficult. However, as tradition, we are compelled to celebrate their passing with a funeral service dedicated to remember them and how they’ve lived. As hard as it may be, this is one of the ways wherein the dead’s friends, family, and relatives would gather and find solace in each other’s mutual loss. Read more

A Jack-O-Lantern Funeral

jack-o-lantern funeralFuneral services maybe one of the traditional events that happen when someone passes but it does not mean that the whole event cannot be as unique as the person who passed away. Events like these differ in many cultures and in different locations.

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Digital Sympathies – The Rising Popularity of Online Funeral Services

Digital SympathyJust when you thought that the Internet could not be as vast as how it is now, we end up surprising ourselves. The World Wide Web has always been an effective mechanism to interconnect different kinds of people all over the globe despite distance constraints and with each and every day, we are introduced to different scenarios where such characteristic comes into full function. One of these would be those that concern funeral services. Read more

The Importance Of Preparing A Committal Service

Elder CareAs they say, life is full of ritual occasions. Every one of us is used to sharing pivotal moments in lives to our loved ones. The day our mom got pregnant, our birthday or the day she gave birth to us, our first step, our first words, first day of school, the day we graduated, got a new job, promoted, married the love of our life, got pregnant, had a baby, and even the day we lost someone dear to us are some of the moments that we share to our family, friends, and relatives. Read more

Losing A Loved One And Dealing With Grief

Grief and LossGrieving is a natural process and it is a natural response to losing someone. When a loved one is taken away from us, this is how we feel. It is an emotional suffering that varies with its intensity or causes. The highest would be losing someone through death. Read more

Losing A Loved One And Dealing With Grief

Dealing with GriefGrieving is a natural process and it is a natural response to losing someone. When a loved one is taken away from us, this is how we feel. It is an emotional suffering that varies with its intensity or causes. The highest would be losing someone through death. Read more

The Importance of Saving Now for Tomorrow

The Importance of Saving Now for TomorrowWhile you are still active at your current employment, it is important to take note of what your future holds you. In other words, while you are at it, think and plan ahead for your retirement. Read more